Comparative Analysis of Impact of E-learning during and Post COVID-19 Pandemic in Primary Schools.

This project was executed within a period of nine months (January – October, 2021) at […]

Post Author:

Abiodun Akanbi


Date Posted:

December 5, 2024

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This project was executed within a period of nine months (January – October, 2021) at the first instance. It is a comparative analysis that examines the impacts of E-learning during and after Covid-19 pandemic in public and private primary schools in Kaduna State.

The aim of this research was to examine and compare the impact of e-learning in primary schools during and post COVID-19 in Kaduna State. The specific objectives of the project are: to examine knowledge and attitude of pupils towards e-learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in public and private primary schools in Kaduna State; to assess the impact of e-learning experience among public and private primary school pupils; to examine the challenges of e-learning among public and private primary school pupils; to examine how e-learning would be installed and improved in post Covid-19 pandemic in public and private primary schools; and to compare the knowledge, attitude, experience and impacts of e-learning among public and private primary schools. Specifically, the report outlines details of the justification for the research, research plan as well as the methodologies for data collection and analysis.

The report is divided into parts. The first section provides introduction of the report. The second section describes the overall context, background, rationale, objectives, questions and hypothesis of the research as well as deliverables of the project. The third section explains three methods and tools designed to collect data; and it also outlines steps taken and reasons as well as sources of information that would achieve the set objectives of the project. The fourth section contains explanations on the findings and the fifth and sixth sections provide conclusion and appendix.

The findings indicate that there is a significant difference on the impacts, knowledge, attitude and experiences of pupils in public and private primary schools in Kaduna State during the Covid-19 pandemic. This will likely continue especially as a result of the challenges that include lack of internet connectivity, inadequate e-learning facilities, poor internet connection, inadequate knowledge of the use of ICT facilities and poor teaching plan. Therefore, for the e-learning to make a positive impact in public primary schools in the state during post Covid-19, the challenges have to be properly addressed through policy formulation and implementation in e-learning and teaching in the state.

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